When your paycheck is more than you expected December 22, 2014 Crazy, Funny Videos, Hilarious, humor, Video Meme 0 http://youtu.be/uJ1mi3hL6Ik?list=UUd4moeumrul4zzOqiQE-2kg Share tweet
When a old timer smoke that new shit for the first time December 22, 2014 Crazy, Funny Videos, Hilarious, humor, Video Meme 0 http://youtu.be/_voF58pDYxg?list=UUd4moeumrul4zzOqiQE-2kg Share tweet
Fast food got you back at the crib like December 22, 2014 Crazy, Funny Videos, Hilarious, humor, Video Meme 0 http://youtu.be/f9uyVCVjHLw?list=UUd4moeumrul4zzOqiQE-2kg Share tweet